My Beliefs:

There are many changes in life. Sometimes we need someone to accompany us through those changes because we feel blocked, stuck, tired, sad, angry or just not “ourselves”. Psychodynamic treatment (also called psychoanalytic oriented treatment) is an empathic dialogue meant to explore our inner experience and to understand how life changes and inner conflicts resonate and make us feel and act. Stories people “tell” themselves about life, about others and about themselves, partly knowningly and mostly unknowningly, are strong motivators. In therapy, we could explore them together so that they can be modified or more fully accepted. You can obtain relief from psychical pain and thus fulfill your potential and make sense of things that are troubling you. I believe every person can turn his pain to a growth process, thus having a better and more meaningful life.
Being an immigrant myself made me more aware of the impact of cultural change on mental life and also more sensitive to different ethnic and cultural diversity issues.
I offer psychotherapy services in English, Spanish, Hebrew and French
for adolescents, adults, seniors, and parents.
If you are experiencing emotional challenges, contact me today
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